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RPS Seminar TFoCE Wroclaw 2020

Session 5

Transport and Environmental Issues in Civil Engineering

M Drličiak, J Čelko and M Cingel Modal split analysis through the traffic volumes  

Z Florkova, S Sedivy and J Pastorkova The environmental impact of asphalt mixtures production for road infrastructure  

S Sedivy , L Mikulová, Z Florkova and G Gaspar Increasing the economic sustainability of winter road maintenance processes through the use of technological innovation  

M V Rodionov, T V Dormidontova and S E Lavrov Justification of the possibility of laying cable communication lines at the side of roads  

M Kováč and M Brna The influence of the pavement surface texture on the Pendulum Test Value 

P Danišovič, M Pitoňák, M Trnka and R Ondrejka Issues of traffic surveys within the TRANS TRITIA project  

M Mečár and A Pultznerová Requirements and practice from measuring the deformation resistance of the formation of the railway subgrade of the Slovak railways modernized line Plevník-Drienové-Bytča-Žilina   

M Trojanová, M Decký, A Ivanovičová and K Hodásová Economic aspects of pavement surface degradation in terms of noise pollution in their surroundings  

A Kocianova and L Slebodnik Sustainability obstacles of free bike-sharing model  

M Jančula, J Vičan and A Spiewak Impact of environmental actions on steel structures  

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